They have a bar here! I was upstairs and i asked Daniels what they were doing downstairs. Checking out boobs. Come here and i will show you how to do it. Not that impressed. The gothenburg boobs are much better. We play in an hour. Packed Tonight. Cheers, Ransom.
Finally arrived. A two hour drive took five. This place is cool. New cinema complex with a rock club. They sold 100 tickets in advance, so it will be packed Tonight. The club takes 250. We smell good, and we look awesome today. The ladies of emsdetten better watch out. Hiiiha. Chuck
But they celebrate valborg here to. They serve only beer Today. Very strange. May poles everywhere, so we feel at home. Today we drive to emsdetten for another great cne success. We love you all, you are so great. And you look so good. Can we take you home? You are hot. Chuck
Slept well after a great show at the pretty vacant-club. Thanks to the cobra jim-guys, the club-crew, especially the girl in the bar who kept the beer flowing into the wee small hours. And thanks to all you rockers who came to the show, cheers/Riot
We got stopped by the german police today. He said. You took a left turn at the wrong place, so you have to pay me ten euros. We said. No, we took a right turn, we came from lindestrasse. The cop said. Are you Sure? We said yes. He said. Sorry, i was not Sure. Are you guys in a band? We said yes. He asks. A punk band? We said yes. He says. You will not get old, the sex pistols died young, the pistols rule! And then he Did the metal sign and told us to drive on. A great guy. Ransom. By the way. We won today. Great show. Great people. Sleep tight baby. Ransom
Such great people here in dusseldorf . The show went off big style and the chuck was hotter than ever. . Anyway now we have a hotel in town and a party to attend, so there is no time for blogging right now . Tjuuuuus!
Found an american diner. We we check out the dome next time. They have beer here. Tonight dusseldorf. It will be cool. We play at pretty vacant. Come there will ya. 5 shows done, 5 to go. It moves fast. Clean clothes and a shower for the first time, and i feel like a king. Not even seen a hotel room yet, sofas rules, who needs a bed. Haha. Take care, per. Ransom
Cologne done. Good show. Fun today. Some swedes here. From bosnia. Tommorow dusseldorf. Short drive for the first time, so we will have time for some sights. Sleep tight. Chuck
An all time low last night. We feel Sorry about that. It feels a little like someone owes me 24 hours. Lets hope that Tonight will be good. Daniels behind the wheel. Bye maj. Chuck
Now band three are on in This big fucking place. This is a disaster. Haha. Nirvana, rollins, accept, motorhead and so many more have played here. It is cool ground to do. But it feels a litte empty. Haha. We will kick ass. Ransom
Good morning folks. Sad to say the saturday show was a big let down. Nice people, but to few of them. The club and the folks there were cool too. The support band was. . .well, not so much. Today stuttgart and a show with our friends in v8 Wankers. Big place and hopefully a blast. We just signed the Roof at the hotel. Kiste, you pay. Sun today. Baby! Pizza and bira are back! Ransom
The show sucked today, but we kicked ass! New day and new city tomorrow, the chuck machine continues to demolish the important parts of the german rock scene. .
Really Cool place here. . We look forward to rock It up in the evening. Soon sound check them we party, after all its a saturday night right? See ya there, cher . . .
Two hours left on autobahn. Just had lunch and some medicine. We have Been driving through berlin three times this far. No chance to stop, and that sucks big balls. Tonight we ska club bunker for the first time. Cool. All feel good today. Later skater. Ransom
Tja la la la la. . In the van trying to make the hours pass by finishing the bottles that the staff at jaz refused to let us return to them. Baker and lee riot play poker and eat sweets . They are three years old. Wiedersen sten / danielS
We won today. A good big crowd, and lots of great sailors. Baker says This was the best This far on the tour. I am tired and looking forward to some sleep in This luxury. Rostock loves the chuck. It is a proven fact. Sleep tight wherever you are. And for all our american readers, rostock is a town in germany. Cheers, Ransom
The ripper behind the wheel. Feels safe. Great gig yesterday. We found Daniels just before we had to leave. Feels good to have him back. Jaz in rostock Tonight. We had a really good time there last year. We are out of beer. We have a problem. Chuck