On our way to the airport and from there we fly home. We would like to thank all the nice people who came to our shows, bookers, promoters and last but not least the Bordells. Hope to see you all soon.
Last show with the bordells for this time. They are really Great guys! Tomorrow will be an early morning. But who cares? Cheers and beers. Or some other drunk jibberish....
As usual. . :) good stuff. They have beer here. We play early tonight, at nine, and then chuckies plays at eleven. Oh my god. The chuckies Soundcheck was really bad yesterday. Haha. Stay cool. Chuck
I won! Ransom. Ps. Last show tonight, we hope the Pitcher will rock our socks off. Now a shower. Then breakfast at the club. Good night last night, me and ripper topped it with pizza in the lobby at 3. Rock out!
Nu är vi i wiesbaden i tyskland. Solen sken idag och vi har knallat runt på stan. Påminner mycket om italien. Är värt ett besök. Skönt med hotell i natt. Manson sover och sover och sover. Trött kille, men Jävlar vad han trummar. Nu skall Förbandet bordells upp på scen. Ett kanonband. Kolla upp på dom på nätet. Frankfurt var rätt kass men giget i darmstadt var kul som fan och vi hoppas på att det blir lika bra idag. I morgon dusseldorf. Kommer bli fint som snus. Vi gillar er. Chuck